Thursday, August 9, 2012

Who motivated me to be the person I am today?

I can think of a lot people that have inspired or motivated me in some way.  It’s too hard to pick just one person.  Different people have motivated me in different ways.  One of the people that made me who I am today is my mom.  She always helps me, and she’s easy to talk to.  She’s motivated me to do a lot of important things, including schoolwork.   My dad has also inspired me to be myself and not give up.   I think my personality is more like his, and I see a lot of the same characteristics in myself as in my dad.   So, my parents are two of the people that have inspired me and probably the main people that have made me who I am today.
    Some of my friends are also the people that have made me who I am today.   I have some really awesome friends who encourage me and love me for who I am.  They give me advice and encourage me to do stuff, even when I don’t want to.  On the other hand, I know some people who don’t like me for who I am, and they motivate me even more to be myself.   They make me realize how stupid it is to be somebody you’re not just to please other people.  
  My grandma (on my dad’s side) is also someone who inspires me.  Even though she’s 70 her personality is like someone who is 20.   She has a fun, go-getter personality, and she doesn’t care what people think about her.  I wish I could be more like her.
   There are probably more people I should list but those are some of the main people that inspire me.  So I just want to say thank you to everyone who has inspired or motivated me in any way and made me the person I am today.  


  1. so cool! i'm thankful to my parents to :) but in my blog i write about my friends.. =="
