Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Review of Taylor Swift's New Single

Taylor Swift’s new single “We are Never Ever Getting Back Together” is REALLY catchy, at least in my opinion. I think it’s a bit different from her usual style of music, but I really like it. The one typical thing about this Taylor Swift song is that it is another break-up song, and that’s not unusual for Taylor Swift.  “White Horse”, “Dear John”, “The Story of Us”, “Last Kiss” and many more are all songs about relationships that ended in ‘tragedy’.  But, most all of these songs are well written and have a lot of emotion put into them, making them really good songs. “We are Never Ever Getting Back Together” DEFINITELY has emotion.  You can hear the disappointment (towards the guy) and the frustration in her voice, but she says it in a this-isn’t-working-out-and-I’m-tired-of-it sort of way.  She doesn’t seem sad or filled with regret about how this relationship is falling apart like she is in some of her past songs.  Instead she just says that “We are never ever, ever, ever getting back together.  Like ever…” She demonstrates how she isn’t going to miss the relationship because there’s nothing to miss saying sarcastically, “I’m really gonna miss you picking fights, and me falling for it screaming that I’m right, and you, hide away and find your piece of mind, with some Indie record that’s MUCH cooler than mine.”  I mostly like the song for the catchy beat and nice tune, but you can decide for yourself. J

How to do an Ollie

Hey guys….. for my how-to post I'm doing ‘How to do an Ollie’. Just so you know, an ollie is a skateboard trick where you basically ‘jump’ the board into the air and land back on the board, on the ground.  I’m not really the person to teach this trick because I’ve only just learnt it myself, and I still mess it up too.  But, I’ll give it my best shot. 

Step 1.  Stand on the skateboard with your front foot directly behind or on top of the screws on the deck and your back foot on the tail.

Step 2. Bend your knees. Make sure you bend your knees a lot and not just in a slight bend.

Step 3. Push down in a quick and hard motion with your back foot so that the tail hits the ground, popping the board into the air.  At the same time, push down on your front foot.  So it’s like, back foot push down, front foot push down, all in one quick motion.

Step 4. (After the above photo) Land on the ground, on the skateboard without falling off.  :)

So, there you go, that's how to do an ollie. One word of advice: practice.  It took me a long time to get the hang of it but after you do, it's super fun.  The more you practice, the higher you'll get.  Good luck!

Here's a video to help you out as well:

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sorry for the delay...

Hey guys,
Sorry about my How-to post.  I have it typed but I need to get one more picture and maybe a video which is really important to the post.  I can't post it without the last picture, so hopefully I'll have it soon.  I'll try to post it as soon as possible.  Thanks.....

Where will I be in five years?

In 5 years from now, I’ll be 19 ½ . I don’t know for sure what I want to do when I’m older or what I’ll be doing in 5 years.  I do know that I definitely want a hands-on job (a.k.a. not a desk job!!) and something that involves working with people.  After I finish high school, I would like to take a year off of ‘school’- maybe go to Europe, take a trip somewhere, get a temporary job, or just ‘chill’.   After that, I’ll probably go to university, unless I decide not to or decide to wait. I don’t know what career I want when I’m older right now for sure.  I think working as a teacher or somewhere in the law firm might be interesting but I’m not sure if that’s really where my heart is or not.  I guess I’m sort of ‘living in the moment’ right now.  I enjoy sports and anything outside and fun.  I also like music a lot.   I know I definitely want a job doing something that I enjoy, but also doing something that helps other people, not just myself.  When I’m older I want have the right job and study the right thing at university.   I also would eventually like to get married and have kids, if that works out.  So, to sum it all up, in 5 years, I honestly don’t know what I’m going to be doing or where I’ll be, but I’m excited to find out.  :)